Monday, May 7, 2012

Questioning my way of life, the path I lie

This year has been a totally new experience to me, I learn to challenge myself to step out of comfort zone.
It might just be a baby step but at least I stop looking around but moving ahead.
Life might not be in the right track always yet I can't stop questioning myself what is the right track for me?
I haven't found love in life,or fortune like a hidden treasure or build a name in the world... I m confuse ...
I am no longer interested in something I used to think I 'll never give up on...
Why am I here ? Whats my purpose? Questioning my way of life, the path I lie ...
Walk life as every moment is special .

1 comment:

  1. You will find love!!! Not the time yet but soon! now u have my love for you~~

    The right track will occur on your journey to discover and searching the passion in your life =)
